smt.Geetanjali Sharma, IAS
PIC of the bank smt.Geetanjali Sharma, IAS and CEO Sri. A.Syam manohar are being felicitated by Shri Amit Shah ji, Hon'ble Minister for Home and Cooperation, GoI (2nd best performing DCCB in India for the FY 2022-23)
Agricultural / Crop Loans for
farmers in Kdccb
Welcome to Krishna District Co-operative Central Bank

Our Mission is to be a strong, sound, vibrant and leading organization of the Cooperative Credit Structure. To function as a friend, philosopher and guide to the affiliated societies for promoting sustainable rural prosperity through effective banking.

Education Loan
The Bank is providing educational loans to the students. These loans are provided for both domestic and overseas education. You can learn more about the loans here.. Read More

Gold Loan
Bank is providing loans to individuals with their gold as security. These loans can be issued instantly after verification. You can know more about this at Read more

Micro Credit
Bank is providing financial assistance to the group of communities such SHG, Rythu Mithra, Dwacra etc. through Micro credit policies. For more info you can check. Read more

Rythu Nestham
Bank is providing loans to individuals with their gold as security. These loans can be issued instantly after verification. You can know more about this at Read more

Provides various types of loans with flexible ROI

Various types of deposits availabe such as Savings, Current etc..

Other Services
Recoveries performance of our bank exceeds with various major competitors

RTGS/NEFT Facility
Bank provides RTGS/NEFT services from all their Branches and HO for online transfer of funds to any Branch of any Bank in India.

Bank Branches
With the huge network of branches, operations of KDDCB is regarded as the best among other peers

Rate of Interest
The flexible Rate of Interests from the bank allowing the people to choose us for their needs
Krishna DCCB
Krishna DCCB is the biggest DCCB in the State of A.P. not only in terms of no. of Branches (57 Brs.), no. of PACS (425 PACS after restructuring), but also in terms of deposits Rs. 3094.40 cr ( as on 31.03.2024), advances of Rs. 7955.42cr(as on 31.03.2024) and business levels of Rs. 11049.82 cr The bank has won the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)’s “BEST PERFORMANCE AWARD for the decade by NAFSCOB in the Year 2022.

Smt. Geetanjali Sharma, IAS
Chairperson, Krishna DCCB

కృష్ణా డీసీసీబీకి జాతీయ స్థాయి బెస్ట్ పెర్ఫార్మన్స్ అవార్డు.
జాతీయ స్థాయిలొ కేడీసీసీ బ్యాంకుకు ఈ అవార్డు రావటం కృష్ణా జిల్లాకి గర్వకారణం అని బ్యాంకు యొక్క ప్రతిష్ట ఇంకా ఇనుమడించిందని ఈ అవార్డు రావటానికి సహకరించిన అందరికి కృతజ్ఞతలు తెలుపుతున్నానని చైర్మన్ తన్నీరు నాగేశ్వరరావు గారు పేర్కొన్నారు.