Any person or persons approved by the bank in the following manners:
- In his/her name
- In the name of two or more persons
- Co-op. Societies, Institutions and Associations
- Private/Public Ltd. Company
- Proprietor/Partner
Initial Deposit :
Initial cash deposit of Rs.3000/- which balance should always be maintained in the Current Account. Interest : No interest will be paid on the balance in Current Account. Statement of Account: Bank will issue statement of account to the accountholder once in a month on requisition. Incidental Charges:Incidental charges as per Service Charge Manual in force will be levied for non-maintenance of minimum balance prescribed, return of Inward/Outward cheques, stop payment instructions, issue of cheque books etc. Refer to our Service Charges elsewhere on this site.
Minimum Requirement:
- Introduction by a person known and acceptable to the bank.
- 2 copies of latest photographs
- Proof of identity and residence and business proof
- Copy of PAN card with original for verification
The Bank reserves the right to alter, amend, rescind the rules from time to time.